Lazy proxy in Ruby

March 11th, 2010

I’m a total newbie when it comes to Ruby evaluation tricks, so when I learned this today I felt it was a good thing to share :-)

The problem: speeding up a Rails application. When all is said and done, you need to cache page fragments in order to speed up an application significantly. For instance: you start with

class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  def category
    @products = Product.find_by_category(params[:id])


<div id="products">
  <% for product in @products do %>
    <!-- some complicated html code -->
  <% end %>

and then add fragment caching in the view with

<% cache "category-#{params[:id]}" do %>
  <div id="products">
    <% for product in @products do %>
      <!-- some complicated html code -->
    <% end %>
<% end %>

OK, this speeds up view rendering. But we are still executing the query in the controller, to obtain a list of products we are not even using. The standard Rails solution to this is

  class ProductsController < ApplicationController
    def category
      unless fragment_exist? "category-#{params[:id]}"
        @products = Product.find_by_category(params[:id])

This is nice enough. But one things is worrying me, is there might be a race condition between the “unless fragment_exists?” test and the call to “cache” in the view. If the cron job that cleans the cache directory executes between the two, the user will see an error.

I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be nice to give the view a lazy proxy in place of the array of results? The lazy proxy will only execute the query if it is needed. The controller becomes:

class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  def category
    @products = do

The LazyProxy magic is surprisingly simple:

class LazyProxy < Delegator
  def initialize(&block)
    @block = block

  def __getobj__
    @delegate ||=

The block given to the constructor is saved, and not used immediately. The Delegator class from the standard library delegates all calls to the object returned by the __getobj__ method. The “||=” trick makes sure that the result of will be saved in an instance variable, so that the query is executed at most once.

So the idea is that the view will be given a lazy proxy for a query. If the fragment exists, the view code will not be evaluated and the proxy will not be used. No query. If the fragment does not exist, the lazy proxy is used and a query is executed. There is no race condition, for there is no test to see if the fragment exists.

What do you think?

Update One additional advantage of the lazy proxy is that you no longer need to make sure that the fragment key is the same on both view and controller.

Prima lezione del corso di Tecnologia e Applicazioni Internet

March 7th, 2010

Summary: first lesson with my new class. Teaching TDD, letting the students get a glimpse of how skilled they are in programming; which is unfortunately not much.

Per il secondo anno insegno Tecnologia e Applicazioni Internet all’Insubria. Il mio obiettivo per questo corso è di insegnare come sviluppare applicazioni web, applicando le pratiche tecniche di Extreme Programming. In particolare, vorrei insegnare Test-Driven Development e i principi di Object-Oriented Design, per come li capisco. Il mio meta-obiettivo per questo corso è fare in modo che lo studente diventi il doppio più bravo a programmare.

Per questo corso uso Java e non Rails. Il motivo di questa scelta è che Rails, per quanto sia una spanna sopra a tutti i web framework in Java, è purtuttavia un framework e in quanto tale è una stampella, una gruccia, che ti permette di stare in piedi ma certo non ti aiuta quando vuoi imparare a camminare da solo, men che meno a correre. Per imparare a camminare da soli bisogna imparare a programmare a oggetti.

In Aula

Per la prima lezione ho spiegato il TDD da solo, senza la complicazione delle servlet. Mi sono sforzato di pensare a un esempio che fosse piccolo a sufficienza per fare una demo di fronte agli studenti, in un pomodoro o poco più. Ho deciso di fare un “calcolatore a riga di comando”, ovvero un programma che presa una stringa come “2 + 3” come argomento sulla riga di comando, stampi “5.0” su standard output.

Il primo test che ho scritto:

public void twoAndThreeIsFive() throws Exception {
	Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
	double result = calculator.add(2, 3);
	assertEquals(5.0, result, EPSILON);

Abbastanza semplice da far passare. Ma non era sufficiente, perché dalla riga di comando gli argomenti arrivano come stringhe e non come interi già parsati. Per cui ho scritto un secondo test che ha fatto emergere una classe Parser

public void willParseTwoAndFive() throws Exception {
	Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
	String result = new Parser(calculator).calculate("2 + 5");
	assertEquals("7.0", result);

Perché creare una seconda classe a questo punto? Non sarebbe bastato mettere il metodo “parse” nella classe Calculator? Avrei potuto, però in questo modo il metodo “add” sarebbe diventato un metodo ad uso interno della classe. Come avrei fatto a testarlo? Avrei dovuto buttare via il test su add, oppure tenere add come “public” anche se in realtà serve solo internamente. Oppure usare qualche brutto trucco come dare ad “add” visibilità protected oppure package.

Invece, tenendo il Calculator come classe a sè che si occupa solo di fare conti, mentre Parser si occupa di leggere e scrivere stringhe, posso tenere “add” come metodo pubblico di Calculator. Martin direbbe che ho applicato il “Single Responsibility Principle.” Per me è stato decisivo pensare “se no mi tocca testare un metodo privato”.

Poi non ero ancora soddisfatto. Nel TDD quello che facciamo è sviluppare un isola felice di codice a oggetti, che però a un certo punto si deve scontrare con la realtà procedurale del mondo esterno. In questo caso il “mondo esterno” è il main, che deve creare e invocare i nostri oggetti. Per me è fondamentale che il main non contenga nessuna logica, ma soltanto la creazione di un certo numero di oggetti, collegati insieme. Se faccio restituire il risultato a Parser#calculate, poi al main resta la responsabilità di invocare System.out.println() per stampare.

Il mio obiettivo è ridurre al minimo la logica nel main, in modo che il main, che è per sua natura più difficile da testare unitariamente, sia così semplice da risultare ovviamente corretto. O comunque, per essere sicuro che il main se fallisce, fallisce sempre, e se funziona, funziona sempre. In questo modo posso essere ragionevolmente certo che se il mio main contiene un errore, me ne accorgerò. Gli errori di cablaggio, come li chiama Hevery, sono facili da trovare.

Allora ho applicato il principio “Tell, don’t Ask,” e ho passato l’OutputStream come collaboratore alla Parser#calculate.

public void willParseTwoAndFive() throws Exception {
	Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
	OutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
	new Parser(calculator, stream).calculate("2 + 5");
	assertEquals("7.0\n", stream.toString());

In questo modo è come se dicessi a Parser, “questa è la tua stringa da calcolare, questo è lo stream dove devi scrivere il risultato, adesso arrangiati, non ne voglio sapere nulla.”

Un pattern che si può riconoscere in questo design è una versione embrionale di collecting parameter. In generale cerco di evitare di avere metodi che restituiscono dati. Di solito è più efficace dire agli oggetti di fare cose, piuttosto che chiedere dati. Questo è il principio “tell, don’t ask“.

Possiamo anche vedere l’oggetto Parser come un adapter: adatta l’interfaccia del Calculator, basata su numeri, alle necessità di main, che lavora con stringhe.

Tutto ciò, beninteso, non significa che per programmare bisogna ad ogni piè sospinto cercare nel manualone dei pattern uno o più pattern da ficcare dentro al nostro codice. Al contrario, quello che ho fatto io è stato di scrivere il codice che mi sembrava più appropriato per risolvere il mio problema, e poi, ragionandoci sopra, ho riconosciuto dei pattern in quello che avevo scritto.

In laboratorio

La seconda parte della lezione si è svolta in laboratorio. Ho proposto un semplice esercizio, di scrivere un programma che concatena le righe di due file a una a una, un po’ come fa il comando paste(1) di Unix. Ho visto subito che per la maggior parte degli studenti questo esercizio era troppo difficile, per cui sono subito passato a suggerire come primo test una versione semplificata del problema.

public void pasteLinesFromArrays() throws Exception {
	List a = Arrays.asList("aa", "bb");
	List b = Arrays.asList("xx", "zz");
	List result = new ArrayList();
	Concatenator concatenator = new Concatenator();
	concatenator.concatenate(result, a, b);
	assertEquals(Arrays.asList("aaxx", "bbzz"), result);

I miei studenti sono al terzo anno di Informatica triennale. Nel nostro corso di laurea, il linguaggio di programmazione di riferimento è Java. Purtroppo, ho dovuto osservare che per la grande maggioranza dei miei circa 40 studenti, scrivere il codice che fa passare questo esercizio è un problema difficile. E nessuno (mi pare) è stato in grado di estendere il codice per fare passare anche il secondo test:

public void listsCanBeOfDifferentLength() throws Exception {
	List a = Arrays.asList("a");
	List b = Arrays.asList("b", "c");		
	List result = new ArrayList();
	Concatenator concatenator = new Concatenator();
	concatenator.concatenate(result, a, b);
	assertEquals(Arrays.asList("ab", "c"), result);

Non so che cosa pensare. Questi esercizi mi sembrano di un livello di difficoltà paragonabile al famoso “problema” FizzBuzz, che viene usato nei colloqui di lavoro per scremare quelli che non sanno programmare per niente da quelli che forse sono capaci di fare qualcosa. Al terzo anno mi aspetterei qualche cosa di più. Sto cercando di ricordare me stesso al terzo anno di università. Sono sicuro che sarei riuscito a risolvere questo problema.

Ma non importa. Venerdì prossimo continuerò con esercizi di questo tipo. Piano piano miglioreremo. Sono sicuro che, alla fine del corso, gli studenti che avranno continuato a frequentare raggiungeranno l’obiettivo di diventare (almeno) il doppio più bravi a programmare.

Next speaking engagements

February 25th, 2010

I’m happy to say that the Birthday Greetings Kata session that I did with Antonio at XP Days Benelux was selected for a second run at the Mini XP Day! I hope to see you in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, on April 26.

My other speaking engagement is a Coaching Workshop, co-organized with Simone Casciaroli, that will happen at Better Software in Firenze, 5-6 May. Simone and I were going to present this at the Agile Day 2009, but Simone was hit by flu and could not come.

Report of the first run of the OCP kata

February 23rd, 2010

Two weeks ago we had our first meeting of the Milano Coding Dojo. It was great fun, and I was honored to see Giordano had prepared such a good presentation mentioning, among other things, the “OCP Kata” of my earlier blog post. The “Open Closed Principle” says that we should be able to add new feature by adding code, not by changing existing code (with an exception made for the place where the objects are created; after all, for the new class to be used, it must be instantiated somewhere.) The OCP Kata is a set of rules, to be used in a training session, that force us to apply the OCP.

So this was not only the first test-drive of this Dojo, but also of the OCP Kata. How did it go?

We worked randori-style on the Yathzee kata. My impressions follow.

On the OCP Kata rules

The OCP Kata was an influence only for the first test (forced us to use an explicit factory) and the second test (forced us to apply the OCP). After that, the OCP rules did not fire, as the problem was naturally easy to be solved in OCP style. After all, it was the implementation of a series of scoring rules for the Yathzee game. Once you have the scoring rules machinery in place, everything else can be completed just by adding a new class (and modifying the factory).

One class, many uses

We must always keep an eye on the design. The complexity of the code kept going up, until we worked hard at removing duplication. The OCP rules do not produce a good design by themselves. Early in the kata, the rule for “twos” was the same as the rule for “threes” with 3 in place of 2. The solution was to create a SingleNumberRule that takes the number in the constructor. We avoided making two classes, when a single class could be used in different context with different configuration.

The driving force was removing duplication.

More duplication

Later, we had a lot of duplication between the “pair” rule, and the “double pair” rule. The code that looks for a pair is needed in both rules. An old-school OO programmer would have made the two rules derive from a common, abstract base class. The abstract base class would be a repository for shared methods. Modern OO programmers know to use inheritance only as a last resort. So what could we do to remove duplication without inheritance? One key observation was that most of that duplicated code was looking heavily into the array of rolls. When you have code that uses heavily a data structure, it’s a good idea to move both data structure and code in an object.

The natural name for that object is “hand”, so we created a Hand class that wraps the array of die rolls. The duplicated code disappeared.

The driving forces were removing duplication and avoiding direct access to data.

Finding abstractions

The code in the Hand class was still not good enough. It was full of loops. There was no flash of insight here, we just applied a few “extract method”s that moved each loop in its own little method. Once we did that, we realized that some loops depended on another one that counts the occurrences of each number in the hand. For instance, the occurrences in the hand (1, 1, 3, 3, 4) are (2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0). This is a key abstraction in this domain.

The other abstraction that is needed to implement the pair rule is “find me the highest pair”, which is just max{i | occurrences(i) ≥ 2}. (It is not enough to score *any* pair. It must be the highest pair, if more are present.)

To implement the “double pair” rule, we need a way to say “find the second highest pair”. One way to say this is that if the highest pair is, say, 4, we must look for the highest pair that is less then 4. The method we need is

    public int highestPairLessThen(int n) {
       return max{i | occurrences(i) ≥ 2 && i < n};

Now the two pairs rule was easy to implement:

    public int highestPair() {
      return highestPairLessThen(7);
    public int secondHighestPair() {
      return highestPairLessThen(highestPair());

The solution here was to find the right abstractions, and implement complex things in terms of simple things. It’s a bit of functional programming in the small.


The goal of good design is to have simple building blocks that can be combined together to create complex things. When we are at the object-talking-to-other-objects level, the OCP principles guides us to invent object abstractions. When we are in the small, within-the-object level, it’s good to apply some mathematical thinking. It’s not deep, difficult mathematics. It’s just a game of finding the right definitions, and using them to express complex things in terms of simpler things.

Update: cleaned up HTML, added headings

Niente Shore né Larsen

February 6th, 2010

Summary: the Shore + Larsen course due in Milan this month is cancelled due to not enough attendance. Too bad.

Che peccato! XP Labs mi ha scritto che i corsi di James Shore e Diana Larsen che avrebbero dovuto esserci questo mese, sono stati annullati per il numero insufficiente di iscritti. Sarebbe stata un’occasione unica per noi della zona di Milano di imparare da questi autori. Io sono un grande fan del manuale di Shore e Warden.

Mi sono allora iscritto ai i corsi di Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, che saranno in marzo. Spero proprio che si riesca a raggiungere il numero! Gli autori di Growing Object-Oriented Software citano Rebecca come l’originatrice dello stile di design che prediligono.

The OCP kata

January 12th, 2010

Read the first chapter of the Patterns book, it’s all there, where it says “favor composition over inheritance”,

said Jacopo. We were chatting about the Open/Closed Principle, and how I read about it in Meyer in 1991, yet it didn’t “click” for me back then.

Now I see how the OCP is key to writing code that can be changed easily, which is the chief technical goal of an agile team. I wondered, is there a way to teach and learn the OCP? Is there a kata to learn OCP?

It’s unfortunate that most common coding katas result in “single-object-oriented programming”. The famous bowling score example by Robert Martin, for instance, is usually solved by creating *one* object. This might be fine for learning how to write simple code. It’s not so good for learning how to do object-oriented design.

So I invented this little exercise to practice and learn OCP.

Take any coding problem. The bowling score, the string evaluator, the supermarket checkout, you name it. Then follow these instructions.

0. Write the first failing test. Then write a factory that returns an object, or an aggregate of objects, that make the test pass.

The factory should be limited to creating objects and linking them together. No conditionals allowed.

1. Write the next failing test.

2. Can you make it pass by changing the factory and/or creating a new class and nothing else? If yes, great! Go back to 1. If not, refactor until you can.

The refactoring should bring the system to a state where it’s possible to implement the next test just by changing the aggregate of objects that is returned by the factory. Be careful not to implement new functionality; the current test should still fail.

For instance, take the bowling score problem. The first test is

  @Test public void gutterGame() throws Exception {
    BowlingGame game = new BowlingGameFactory().create();
    for (int i=0; i<20; i++) {
    assertEquals(0, game.score());

The code to make this pass is

  class BowlingGameFactory {
    public BowlingGame create() {
      return new BowlingGame();
  class BowlingGame {
    public void roll(int n) {}
    public int score() {
      return 0;

Nothing strange here. Now the second test is

  @Test public void allOnesGame() throws Exception {
    BowlingGame game = new BowlingGameFactory().create();
    for (int i=0; i<20; i++) {
    assertEquals(20, game.score());

The simplest code that makes both tests pass would be to change BowlingGame to accumulate rolls in a variable. But our rules stop us from doing that; we must find a way to implement the new functionality with a new object. I think about it for a few minutes, and all I can think of is to delegate to another object the accumulation of rolls. I will call this role “Rolls”. Cool! This forces me to invent a new design idea. But I must be careful not to add new functionality, so I will just write a Rolls object that always returns 0.

  interface Rolls {
    void add(int n);
    int sum();
  class BowlingGame {
    private final Rolls rolls;
    public BowlingGame(Rolls rolls) {
      this.rolls = rolls;
    public void roll(int n) {

    public int score() {
      return rolls.sum();
  class BowlingGameFactory {
    public BowlingGame create() {
      Rolls zero = new Rolls() {
        public void add(int n) {}
        public int sum() { return 0; }
      return new BowlingGame(zero);

This passes the first test, and still fails the second. In order to pass the second test, all I have to do is provide a real implementation of Rolls and change the factory.

  class Accumulator implements Rolls {
    void add(int n) { ... }
    int sum() { ... }
  class BowlingGameFactory {
    public BowlingGame create() {
      return new BowlingGame(new Accumulator());

And so on. The point here is to think about how to

  1. compose functionality out of existing objects, and
  2. avoid reworking existing code.



24/12/2013 Chris F Carroll‘s Gilded Mall Kata is a new exercise that can be done with the OCP kata rules. Thanks Chris!

29/05/2014 There is now a repository with a few prepared exercises! I presented this at XP2014.

Project automation for Confluence plugins

January 4th, 2010

A while ago our team was working at customizing Confluence for one of our customers. I’d like to share a few tips on how to automate Confluence plugin deployments.

(It should not be necessary to point out that all repetitive operations should be automated. Read all about it in The Pragmatic Programmer and Pragmatic Project Automation.)

Our automation was mostly Bash-based. I think it’s important to write expressive code in any language. When you’re scripting with Bash, the main way to be expressive is to use functions. We keep our scripts in a $(project)/script directory, so that you can invoke them with a minimum of keystrokes. The script we use for installing our plugin on localhost is:

 1  confluence_url=http://localhost:8080        
 2  confluence_install=~/confluence-2.9.2-std
 3  admin_password=admin
 5  source src/main/bash/ || exit 1
 7  quietmvn package || exit 1
 8  plugin_jar=$(ls target/ourplugin-*.jar)
 9  [ -f "$plugin_jar" ] || (echo "no plugin generated"; exit 1)
10  confluence_login 
11  confluence_uninstall_plugin
12  confluence_install_plugin

Lines 1-3 set up some variables for future use.

Line 5 loads our library of functions in the current shell process. The “|| exit 1” bit means “if this command fails, then quit immediately”.

The “quietmvn” in line 7 invokes maven with a filter that hides useless warnings. We found that Confluence plugin builds generate a lot of warnings due to dependencies on Atlassian packages that have poorly written “pom.xml” files. This (according to Atlassian) is harmless; but then again, useless warnings are harmful, so we filter them out.

Getting back to line 7, this builds the jar package of our Confluence plugin.

Line 8 defines a $plugin_jar variable with the relative pathname of the plugin jar. The $(foobar) bit is a Bash command that executes the foobar command and returns the text output generated by the command.

Line 9 says “if the plugin file does not exist, then exit with a meaningful error message.” In Bash, the command [ -f foobar ] tests if file “foobar” exists.

Line 10 to 12 are the interesting bit. They invoke three Bash functions that do what their name implies. They depend on the variables we set up in lines 1-3. This allows us to use the same functions for both local and production deployments. And here is our precious Bash library:

 1  cookie_jar=/tmp/confluence-cookies.txt
 2  curl="curl --cookie-jar $cookie_jar --cookie $cookie_jar --output /tmp/curl-output.html"
 4  function confluence_login() {
 5    echo "login to confluence"
 6    $curl -s -S -d os_username=admin -d os_password=$admin_password "$confluence_url/login.action"
 7  }
 9  function confluence_uninstall_plugin() {
10    echo "uninstall plugin"
11    $curl -s -S $confluence_url'/admin/plugins.action?mode=uninstall&pluginKey=ourpluginkey'
12  }
14  function confluence_install_plugin() {
15    echo "reinstall plugin ($plugin_jar)"
16    if [ \! -f $plugin_jar ]; then
17      echo "ERROR: $plugin_jar not found"
18      exit 1
19    fi
20    $curl -F file_0=@$plugin_jar\;type=application/octet-stream $confluence_url/admin/uploadplugin.action
21  }
23  function quietmvn() { 
24      mvn $* | grep -v '\[WARNING\] POM.*Not a v4.0.0 POM' 
25  }

The three functions I was talking about use Curl to interact with Confluence as if our script was a web browser. This is not the way to automate installs that Atlassian recommends, which is to use Maven with some Atlassian plugins. We found that the Maven way was not as reliable as using Curl.

And this is all there is to it. It took some time to find the right way to invoke Confluence with Curl, but every minute spent was worth it. This small library of Bash commands allows you to perform installs and uninstalls of any plugin with maximum reliability. It takes away a lot of pain from Confluence plugin development.

Ricerca sales manager in Sourcesense

December 22nd, 2009

Summary: position in Sourcesense for a Sales Manager

Sourcesense sta cercando un commerciale per assunzione. Questa persona si dovrà occupare (fra l’altro) di sviluppare il business per il team Agile. Se pensi di essere in grado di spiegare ai potenziali clienti perché è vantaggioso comprare sviluppo e formazione da un team che è in grado di sviluppare software in incrementi settimanali, con il controllo e la sicurezza che ne conseguono, allora sei la persona giusta per noi!

Lettori di questo blog: se conoscete una persona adatta, per favore diteglielo.

Tutte le informazioni qui:

Work with asymmetric bounds

December 22nd, 2009

Let’s talk about ranges of integers. Quick: how many numbers are in the range 16 ≤ x ≤ 37, that is in the set {16, 17, …, 37}?

If you answered 21 then you got it wrong: the correct answer is 22. When you express a range inclusive of both ends, the formula to compute the number of elements is

size of [lower, upper] = upper - lower + 1

The “+1” in the above formula is the source of many “off-by-one” or fenceposts errors. Can we get rid of the “+1”? Yes, there is a way. Use asymmetric bounds, including the lower bound and excluding the upper bound. The formula becomes

size of [lower, upper) = upper - lower

I’m using square and round brackets as a shorthand notation for ranges with inclusive and exclusive bounds:

  [a, b] = { x | a ≤ x ≤ b }
  [a, b) = { x | a ≤ x < b }

Another reason in favor of asymmetric bounds: how do you express an empty range? With symmetric inclusive ranges, you can’t: the smallest range you can express contains one element. For instance [3, 3] contains only the number 3. With asymmetric bounds, you can express an empty range with, for instance, [3, 3), which is empty.

Asymmetric bounds work very well in conjunction with counting from zero. Java and C arrays are indexed from 0, so that the index range is [0, N). The upper bound is now equal to the number of elements! Expressing it with symmetric bounds gives [0, N-1], which is ugly because of the “-1”.

If you need to iterate on a C or Java array, the standard pattern is

  int[] array = new int[N];
  for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { ... }

You see how the body is executed when i==0, through i==N-1, but not when i==N, since we are using i<N as a boundary condition. How many times is the loop is executed? Exactly N! It’s now easy to see that the iteration is performed the correct number of times.

Asymmetric bounds can be concatenated easily. Suppose you have a function that paginates results on a web page. You are on the page which contains results 30, 31, … 39. If you express the range with two parameters from and to, the page url would look like

And the links to the next and previous page would be

  <a href="/results?from=20&to=30">previous page</a>
  <a href="/results?from=40&to=50">next page</a>

where the bounds for the next or previous page are easily computed by adding or subtracting the page size from the current bounds. Compare with
  <a href="/results?from=20&to=29">previous page</a>
  <a href="/results?from=40&to=49">next page</a>

it’s more difficult to check that the bounds are correct here: you have to think where the “-1” must be applied.

So, if you define “+” as the operation of concatenation of ranges, you get this nice little law:

  [a, b) + [b, c) = [a, c)

It’s this sort of properties that make it easy to combine software objects together. This helps towards the goal of programming with lego-like bricks.

In conclusion: express ranges with asymmetric bounds! You will avoid off-by-one errors, get rid of “+1″s from your code, and make your programs more modular.


The book C Traps and Pitfalls by Andrew Koenig has a good explanation of asymmetric bounds.

XP Day London was, indeed, a blast!

December 10th, 2009

It was very, very, inspirational and fun. I ran another session of Birthday Greetings Kata, facilitated an open space on the Hexagonal Architecture. London is a city I love to visit, and the Church House location, is fantastic: just a few steps from Westminster Abbey.

And I had the authors sign my copy of GOOS (I believe every good book should have an acronym… and I don’t like GOOSGBT :-) )

My signed copy of GOOS

Thank you guys! I have a feeling this book will be a good companion in my re-discovery of OOP.