EL&P e D&D
Summary: nice post on _why’s blog
Divertente come sempre, _why prende in giro un pomposo accademico che critica Ruby e la sua guida. Mi è particolarmente piaciuto questo commento di “forrest”:
Furthermore, anybody who compares the Poignant Guide to the Head First guides has failed to understand the Poignant Guide altogether. There’s no false jocosity or spoonful of sugar bullcrap to the Poignant Guide. It’s like the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili—it’s a legitimate work of art and literature as well as a programming manual. (It doesn’t talk about how cool Ruby is, really. Does it?)
Man, I don’t know why that kind of response bugs me so much. Maybe it’s because I’ve read a lot of programming lore from the 70s and 80s, when there were a lot more weirdo geek-hippies striding the plains with their 41CXs and Emerson, Lake & Palmer records, playing Dungeons & Dragons and writing arcane articles for the Whole Earth guide when they weren’t cranking out the code.
Sarà che gli ELP e D&D sono due cose che ho molto amato…