Today I and Tommaso facilitated the kickoff of a new project for a new team. One question that came up was:
We know that before the project is finished, we will have to profile all buttons and links so that users will not see options they are not authorized to use. Should we keep this in mind as we write the code today? Or should we rigidly adhere to YAGNI and defer all work on profiling until the profiling story is chosen by our customer?
This question comes up quite often. An answer that is often heard by agilists is
Never! Today you should only work for today’s story! The profiling story might never be chosen, after all, and even if it is chosen, you will refactor your code to accomodate the new functionality. YAGNI, my friend!
Tommaso rightly objected that this point of view is wrong. When the moment of link profilation comes up, the application is usually at a late stage of development. Refactoring all links and buttons to include profilation takes a lot of work. And we knew this functionality was coming, so we can’t even invoke the “customer changing their mind” excuse.
Agile development can only work if we can keep down the cost of adding functionality even late in the development cycle. This should apply to unforeseen changes, and even more so to features that we always knew were needed. If a change requires major reworking, then we clearly did something wrong.
What do I suggest then? Should we build in infrastructure right at the beginning for all major features? Should we do design upfront to protect us from this sort of mistakes?
Well, there is not a clear-cut answer. Naive reading of the TDD book will lead you to believe that just applying the TDD mantra
Red—Write a little test that doesn’t work, and perhaps doesn’t even compile at first.
Green—Make the test work quickly, committing whatever sins necessary in the process.
Refactor—Eliminate all of the duplication created in merely getting the test to work.
Kent Beck, Test Driven Development by Example
will lead you slowly but surely, almost automatically, to a well-written system that makes it easy to add changes at all times. Well, there is a huge misunderstanding here. There is nothing “almost automatic” in this process. If you read carefully the book, it will also say things like “Our designs must consist of many highly cohesive, loosely coupled components”.
Just how highly cohesive and how loosely coupled our systems must be, is something that is left to the judgment of the reader. Which in most cases is not skilled enough to imagine just how cohesive and decoupled people like Kent Beck think when they say “cohesive and decoupled”. Most people don’t understand how serious people like Kent Beck are when they say “eliminate all of the duplication”.
Because if you’re not fanatical about removing duplication, about striving for code that is highly cohesive and decoupled, there is little chance of achieving code that is easy to change over time.
My answer is that if I am serious about removing duplication, then I will *not* have code like <a href='foo'>bar</a>
written in more than one place; let alone in hundreds of places. I will have a single function, a single method, a single place where the html link is generated. Then when the time comes to add profilation, or HTTPS, or Ajax, or anything else that affects how my links should work, then I will have a *single* place to change. The change will not be too expensive.
If I don’t think I can work with the level of discipline it takes to really remove duplication, then perhaps I’ll be better off stopping pretending I’m really doing TDD, and start doing some design upfront.